Sunday, March 3, 2013

Faith continued!

 A very short time ago, I had told Maud " go ahead, start building the coop, people will come through.. we will raise the money"  and she did... not telling me so I would have a special surprise when I got here!  And what a surprise it was!  It is going to be big and airy and shaded. 
Straight from the airport we went to the hardware store to buy the 2x4s and the tins.. men spent a good 40 minutes calmly loading all this on her pickup truck and all of a sudden ,the whole cargo slid off and crashed to the ground...Plan B. We hired a Tap Tap to carry the load over the dirt bumpy road to the construction site.
It is actually happening.....the coop is going up.
Oh, we did find out the agriculture ministry is out of vaccinated chicks!  so plan B ????

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