Saturday, May 12, 2012

Ice: a success story!

When I saw “Ice” for the first time, he was fixing Sister B's old fashioned sewing machine, a roughly twenty year old treasure that was one once again not functioning. She told me at the time that he could probably also fix my portable fan... and he did. The crew nicknamed him Ice because he took the trouble of bringing a block of ice every morning for the rest of the men, and they all got to chip some of it for their drinks.
Now Ice, Louis Jackson  is one of our top supervisor on the construction of Village Notre Dame de Lourdes; he has gotten to that position by unfailingly attending classes, learning everything he could from Ray, asking questions, attempting new skills and learning English any chance he had. To provide for his young wife and their new baby he also works as a tailor. He hemmed my pants, made shirts for Ray  AND he built his own house from the earthquake rubble and fixed the roof of his neighbor.  Before the earthquake, he had a job as a telecommunication technician installing telephone lines.
This is the hope of Haiti... that energy..persistence..resourcefulness and faith in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.

He called me recently explaining how difficult it is to earn enough for his family to live on when we are not there to give him a job. RT1 would like to help ICE get visibility and ..more business or job. If you order a shirt from him we will make sure to facilitate shipping.  If you can hire him, please call him 011 509 37 03 51 28 or contact him at

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