The earthquake crippled him.
Stevenson at Work |
Stevenson lost both parents and was stuck under rubbles for two days after the earthquake in Port au Prince in January 2010 when his cousin found him and dug him out. Using a borrowed wheelchair Jakson brought him to the Missionaries of Christ the King who took him to a hospital. He was operated on and a metal plate inserted to replace his shine bone… the operation didn’t go well, his leg keeps getting infected and he can no longer walk. He lives with the other 89 children at the Foyer Notre Dame de Lourdes and until recently, he spent his days in bed with nothing to do. He is 20 years old, he can barely read and write.
At the site of the future orphanage, there are many rigorous jobs that demand resilience and physical strength but thanks to Maud’ s idea, Stevenson is finding his place among the men. As of last Monday he has a half time job with Relief Team One participating in the construction; he cuts tie wire for the reinforcement column. He is helping out and he is out of bed. His grin is a mile long.
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