This time again, we rewarded best students, best caretakers of little ones, members of the band for their efforts, most helpful, best paintings and most creative young Fenel for his initiative of making a drum.
_ We are continuing in our support and mentoring of Fenel, whose little shop we have help start, is doing
a balancing act since responsible for the care of his eleven year old sister and
going to vocational training for metallic structural work run by Terre des
Hommes Switzerland. He is excelling in the practical aspect of the training but
struggling with the theories. In the evening he runs his stall and sells basic
necessities. He will be entering twelve grade in the fall, is anxious to finish
and start working full time. RVH is helping him with a grant for half his rent
for a year. On weekends he goes to the Foyer and helps repair what is broken.
RVH would like to help him purchase soldering equipment so he can find work
once he graduates in November.
_ ABC mini-market with Bully as manager opened its doors in March 2016. We are very proud to follow the progress of the hard working young man who is regularly sending reports and is being mentored by Andy Robinson who provided the seed money for this whole sale start-up. We are seeking the additional investment of $ 1,200 to facilitate Bully fixing a truck for deliveries and to invest in a larger inventory. We see the potential for growth and significant income for Bully and his future family.
Future plans:
_ A Teacher Training workshop scheduled for the last two weeks in August is all set to go. Thanks to the generosity of RVH supporters, funding has been obtained to pay for the airfare and stay at the Foyer of Madame Claire Beauvais whose field of expertise in France is elementary school teacher training and who has extensive experience working with schools in Haiti. Eight teachers with their directors will attend this workshop and get paid while they do so. This should give a strong head start to the new school year.
_ Next goal is to find funding for an after school tutor that could supervise a few hours of homework everyday as well as online English instruction. A budget of $ 160 a month is sought for the duration of the school year. $ 1,600
_ The purchase of a Taptap minivan would facilitate transportation of children to the schools where special training or events take place. RVH has $ 6,000 already but is looking for another $ 11,000 to purchase a vehicle in good condition.
_ Maud’s next
goal is to rent a portion of land next to the Foyer to increase production of vegetables and spices not only for the
Foyer’s consumption but also to be sold either at a local market or to other orphanages.
RVH will look for a volunteer who could
come start this project and train some of the children in basic agriculture. We
will look to fund a trainer’s salary, tools, field rental and seeds.
_ Looking for sponsors for the children that don't have one, volunteers to teach English, micro-entreprise, to mentor young adults and to make short video clips of success stories.
Without the help and generosity of the friends of Rendez-vous: Haiti, none of this would be possible. It is a journey : a journey of solidarity and hope. Thank you.